What to Expect
Let's Get Growing
Preparing for a business loan can feel overwhelming. We’ll help you navigate the process from start to finish. What you can expect:
- Personalized and secure online portal to streamline your experience
- Full staff support through each phase of the loan process
- Feedback and direction to customize your loan product

Steps to Get Prepared
Make a Plan
Lenders will want to know that you are running a credible business, and that you have the knowledge and skills required to grow your business into something great. Include your goals, competitors, past and projected revenue and expenses, market analysis, and how you intend to grow your company.
Gather Your Documents
Be prepared to show historical and projected numbers so that your lender can see your goals clearly and know that you will be able to make enough money to pay them back.
Pinpoint Purpose and Amount of Loan
What are you using the funds for and how much do you need need for your project?
Keep an Open Mind
The lending process is a great time to learn new things and get valuable feedback and coaching. Come in with an open mind and take advantage of the opportunity to gain new skills and knowledge.

Not sure if you are ready to apply for a business loan? We are here to help.
Starting a business is a daunting task, and accessing capital is just one of the many challenges entrepreneurs will face. We want to provide an actionable and trustworthy partnership for people who have underutilized talents who aspire to start a business.