No Limit Fitness Offers Family, Friends and Fitness

When Chris Woods’ father died of a heart attack at age 48, Woods resolved to make a change in his life.
“The direction of what I was doing had to change. I had to get healthy, look into myself and understand who I was,” Woods said. “…and it took off.”
Woods got his personal trainers license and left his stable job at Steelcase to pursue his new journey. Woods’ compassionate and inspiring approach gained a following and he worked as a trainer at a local gym for 18 years. After that gym closed, he saw two paths before him.
“I could help build someone else’s gym again,” he said. “Or I could start my own thing.”
Woods and his business partner, William Washington, started No Limit Fitness in 2015. They offer a full gym and classes–hip hop cycling, Zumba, hip hop bands– that are designed to be fun while guiding students in their fitness journey. Members can also sign up for one-on-one training, weight loss and muscle training, young athlete training, and more.
Woods says initially funding No Limit Fitness was difficult until he turned to GROW.
“Banks were tearing us down, nitpicking us for every little thing,” he said. “That is when I started working with GROW for lending. GROW believed in us.”
Woods emphasizes that he greets every single person who walks into his gym, and he personally knows all of his members.
“We are a family gym. There is not one person who comes into my gym who I don’t know personally. I greet everyone who comes in, and I remember their name. ”
Woods and Washington maintain an open, family-friendly environment where people can be supported in their fitness journeys and find a community.
“Gyms are where you build family and friendships,” Woods smiled. “It is something we strive for, since day one. I don’t want that to get lost in the vision of where we are going. We want you to have a great place to come, a place where everyone knows your name and is friendly to kids, women and families.”
To business owners that are starting out, Woods says, “Believe in what you are offering. If you don’t believe in what you are offering, no one else will. Take pride in it and never stop. I’ve never stopped working toward what I am looking for. And still, 20 years in, I learn from other people. My ears are always open to people who can help.”
Click here for information on funding opportunities from GROW.